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Local Foods and Carolina Dining Services (2008)

Undergraduates: Kori Crosson, Sabrina Borst, Jessica Roy, Pilar Roa, Sally Lee, David Hamilton

Faculty Advisor: Flora Lu
Department: Journalism & Mass Communication

As one of the biggest institutions in North Carolina and as a major purchaser and consumer of food, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has a major ecological imprint. We set up to analyze the food consumption and purchasing patterns at UNC to determine said ecological imprint, and we researched opportunities to increase local and organic food purchase and consumption to decrease the ecological impact of UNC and make the institution more environmentally friendly.

Our research had five major goals:

1. Analyze UNC food purchasing and consumption


2. Assess UNC student interest and awareness in

local and organic food

3. Examine feasibility of adopting a local food

plan by investigating other universities with

existing programs

4. Analyze NC agricultural production to

determine options for the university

5. Implement at least one sustainable food

practice: eggs

We collaborated with FLO (Fair Local Organic) Foods, a student group on campus that assists Carolina Dining Services in implementing sustainable dining options. FLO Foods connects Carolina Dining Services with local food providers and raises campus awareness about sustainable food.


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