A Masterpiece of Resistance: The Impact and Role of the Arts in Palestine (2013)
Undergraduate: Layla Quran
Faculty Advisor: Sarah Shields
Department: International & Area Studies
The goal of my research was to discover the current impact and role of the arts in Palestine (particularly the West Bank occupied territory). I attempted to understand the attitude towards the arts in the area, the obstacles it faced, and the importance, or lack thereof, of the arts in the lives of the Palestinians. My research included interviews with nearly 50 Palestinian artists, including musicians, actors, dancers, and photographers, in 10 major Palestinian cities. I filmed all of the interviews and many of the concerts, theatre productions, art exhibitions, and rehearsals of the artists I met. I determined that funding is one of the biggest problems facing artists across Palestine, concluding that the Palestinian Authority does not provide adequate funding for the promotion of culture and the arts. Another problem facing the arts is the Palestinian city of Ramallah and its transformation into a cultural center, while towns and villages of the West Bank are not exposed to music and consider it far from a means of political resistance. In terms of the role of the arts, a majority of artists considered their art as a mean to express their lives under occupation, though many simply perform out of enjoyment of their craft.This research will demonstrate the artistic talent of the Palestinians and provide valuable insight into means of peaceful expression for Palestinians living under military occupation.