Integrating the Jamkhed Model into the Health Care System of Rural China (2012)
Undergraduate: Chenxi (Chex) Yu
Faculty Advisor: Thomas Konrad
Department: Mathematical Decision Science
Despite China’s economic growth, there still exists a large disparity in rural and urban health status. The Jamkhed model in India is well-konwn in rural healthcare delivery. This study analyzes the Jamkhed model and suggests ways to integrate it into a Chinese rural village. The first stage was done via a residential program in Jamkhed to learn about its mechanism. The second stage involves interviews and surveys in Dongchong village, China. Jamkhed functions under a three-tier structure including the Village Health Workers (VHW), a mobile health team and a cost-effective hospital. Dongchong has a much more established primary healthcare system. All of the 11 households surveyed have health insurance. However, 36% of survey participants indicated preference for private clinics. Villagers expressed that their main concern is not health but income generation. 54% of participants are not willing to join a group resembling Jamkhed’s VHW. Hence, the attempt to organize the community should not evolve around health issues, but start with income generation instead. Also, measures should be taken to increase the utilization of government hospital services, possibly through a similar approach as Jamkhed’s mobile health team. This study shows although the Jamkhed model has the potential to be beneficial in rural China, careful analysis needs to be done to tailor the model. Empowerment of the community to address its own health needs must be organized around the community’s interest.