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Adolescent Cognition and Brain Mapping Research Opportunity

Post Date

Are you interested in studying brain function, brain development and neurodevelopment changes associated with psychiatric or neurodevelopment disabilities? The Neurocognition and Imaging Research Lab (NIRL), an interdisciplinary research group affiliated with the Psychiatry Department and the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute is seeking motivated, reliable, curious and self-propelled undergraduate students interested in learning about the brain and the implementation and analysis of neuroimaging and electrophysiological techniques. The research assistant will have the opportunity to work on a number of data sets examining association between brain function, structure, and connectivity and psychosocial factors such as emotion regulation, personality attribute, clinical affective symptoms, stress regulation etc…Applicants can receive course credit (PSYC/NSCI 395) or volunteer. Opportunities for honors thesis work development also exist. All RAs will be expected to attend lab meetings, and contribute to data analysis, recruitment, data management, preparation of study materials or other organizational activities as needed. Additionally, all RAs will complete a semester paper on a research topic aligned with the lab’s work.
Please contact if interested.

Faculty Advisor
Aysenil Belger
Research Supervisor
Joshua Bizzell
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline