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Global Health and Infectious Diseases STAR Coordinator

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HIV is more common among underrepresented racial/ethnic minority adolescents and youth (13–24 years old) in the US, but there are limited opportunities for training, mentorship, and capacity building. This US NIH-funded training program uses crowdsourcing methods and implementation science strategies to develop innovative HIV prevention research for youth. Crowdsourcing has a group of people solve all or part of a problem, then implement exceptional ideas. Our research discovered that crowdsourcing methods could also be used to help identify highly qualified trainees through open calls, build capacity for youth-led research using hackathons, and sustain these benefits through participatory learning communities.

The “Stimulating Training and Access to HIV Research Experiences” (STAR) Institute will build capacity for minority youth HIV research at UNC and across three other partner universities among undergraduate, graduate, and post-doctoral trainees. The training coordinator will help with recruitment, evaluation, and training. A strong interest in minority youth and research experience are required. Some experience with training is preferred.

Interested students should send a cv/resume and a cover letter stating their interest and background related to the position.

Faculty Advisor
Joseph Tucker
Research Supervisor
Joseph Tucker
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline