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Undergraduate Research on Machine Learning, Brain Image Analysis, Brain Development

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Research opportunities for motivated undergraduate students are available in the Baby Brain Mapping lab in the Department of Radiology and Biomedical Research Imaging Center (BRIC). Our research mainly focuses on the development of machine learning-based computational techniques and tools for processing and analyzing neuroimaging data for discovery of brain structural, functional and connectivity development in fetal and infant brains. Two research directions are available. The first one is on the development of machine/deep learning methods for analyzing brain MR images. Good command of programming tools e.g., Python, Linux, and scripting are necessary to carry out the research work. The second direction is on applying our developed computational tools to study brain structural, functional and connectivity development during perinatal stages in both normal and at-risk subjects. Students will be expected to dedicate a minimum of 8-10 hours/week to the research project. We strongly encourage applications from diverse backgrounds.

Faculty Advisor
Gang Li
Research Supervisor
Gang Li
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline