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How/Why Research? I got involved in research because I found it incredibly interesting and I thoroughly enjoy working in a lab as well as in the field. I feel like through research I can more closely aid with research that could lead to a better planet. I got involved in research by using my gift of gab to speak up and talk to professors who I wanted to work with along with utilizing available work study resources.

Research Experience: My first research experience was with spatial cognition in the Burmeister lab in the biology department working with poison dart frogs and tungara frogs. After about a year of working there, I moved to the Marchetti Lab in the Earth, Marine, and Environmental sciences department working with iron limitation in chaetoceros diatoms. Through these experiences, I learned how to conduct myself properly in a laboratory setting, how to formally communicate with graduate students and PI’s, how to make a killer lab presentation, and much more.

Student Organizations/Clubs: De Nederlandse club

Random Fun Fact: If you ever want to talk about anything cooking, I’m your guy. I really like getting down to the chemistry of how food works.