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International Music Academy Pilsen (2008)

Undergraduate: Cynthia Burton

Faculty Advisor: Brent Wissick
Department: Music

International Music Academy takes place in Pilsen, Czech Republic, from June 29 - July 27, 2008 and is presented by the Pilsen Conservatory of Music. I will receive private violin lessons from Steven Shipps (University of Michigan) and David Updegraff (Cleveland Institute of Music) twice a week in addition to coaching by the Zemlinsky String Quartet and faculty from around the world. I will also participate in chamber rehearsals and tri-weekly performances. My goal is to make tremendous progress over the course of the month through intensive work, focused solely on music. Because of the intensive nature of these courses, summer programs constitute many musicians' most productive time for study. Many students find that they make a year’s worth of progress and gain invaluable experience by studying for four weeks in this creative environment. My hope is to see this kind of improvement in my technique and chamber playing.
The collaboration between Czech and American artists is part of what makes IMA Pilsen unique. Whereas Czech artists are known more for technical precision with the left hand, American artists have a reputation for right hand expression in their playing. I fall very much into the American style of playing, and am looking forward to the benefits of the Czech approach. I also hope to study works of Czech composers such as Dvorak and Smetena so as to gain an authentic perspective on Slavic idioms and style.


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