Post a Research Opportunity
Post a Research Opportunity
One valuable resource OUR provides the research community is a searchable database of research opportunities for undergraduates. This database has allowed faculty members, post docs, and graduate students to connect with interested and capable undergraduates across the campus.
All postings must have a UNC faculty advisor, but research opportunities may be directly supervised by post docs or graduate students, who should be listed as the “Research Supervisor.” Many posters use the “Description” section not only to provide specific detail about the opportunity but also to list any prerequisites or particulars of applying for the opportunity.
In order to post in the database, please fill out the form below.
Changing or Removing a Research Opportunity
To remove or revise a research listing posted in OUR’s Database of Research Opportunities, please email In the email, please:
- Label the subject, “Research Opportunity Change”
- In the body of the email, please include the Title and Faculty Advisor in your current listing and describe the changes you want to make.