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Music Education: Furthering Student's Brain Development and Improving Learning (2015)

Undergraduate: Caitlyn Carmean

Faculty Advisor: Patrick Akos
Department: Music

The importance and relevance of music education in school curriculums has been discussed for many years, especially with the cuts schools have been forced to make when burdened with low budgets. Music, and arts education as a whole, has been previously viewed as a frivolous topic not necessary for student¿¿¿s success in school, however, many studies have shown that music education in particular can have positive benefits in brain development, language acquisition, memory and creativity. Incorporating music into school curriculums also have a positive impact by keeping students engaged in the classroom and helping to encompass a larger range of teaching styles for students. The benefits of music education have also shown to expand outside of the classroom experience and into creating higher self-esteem for students and making them more comfortable addressing groups of co-workers, employees or supervisors. Music education should not be overlooked just because it is not what many consider a core class. Rather, the positive long term and intellectual development should be recognized and addressed by school and political officials in order to provide students with the best possible education.


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