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The Predictive Role of Self-Reported Medication Non-Adherence on Transition Readiness (2013)

Undergraduates: Sarah Cohen, Karina Javalkar Nicole Fenton Dr. Maria Ferris Julia Whitley

Faculty Advisor: Nicole Fenton
Department: Psychology & Neuroscience

Introduction: This investigation aimed to examine the extent to which self- reported medication adherence correlates with aspects of transition readiness in pediatric and adult patients.

Measures: The following IRB-approved measures were administered: The TRxANSITION Scale (Ferris et al., 2012), the STARx (UNC Transition Team, 2008), and the Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMA)(Morisky, Ang, Krousel-Wood, & Ward, 2008).

Method: Participants were first administered the demographics and TRxANSITION scale and completed the STARx and additional demographics questions as part of an online questionnaire.

Participants: To date, 36 participants have been enrolled. Their demographic characteristics are as follows: 64% female, 44% African American, 39% Caucasian, and 11% Hispanic.

Results: Analyses were completed in SPSS and included descriptive statistics and ANOVAs. It was found that patients who self-reported missing their medications looked significantly different from patients that did not on a number of transition readiness and disease self-management domains.

Conclusion: The results suggest that patients with self-reported non-adherence to their medications are less prepared for transition and their perceived ability to transition is also lower.


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