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Implementing AI and Aquagenx Gel Accuracy in Well Water Testing (2023)

Undergraduates: Madison Elliott, Eliana Bazemore, Alexis Ihezue, Poutledee Khantivong

Faculty Advisor: Amanda Northcross

The research we have conducted this past semester is centered around implementing AI into counting E.coli colonies. We set out to make at-home E.colli testing easier, affordable, and accessible. We used a computer program called ImageJ to count the E.coli colonies of Aqugenx gel tests and membrane filtration to reach our goal. We also wanted to include an accuracy element and decided to compare the results of human counting to the program. We also wanted to observe the accuracy of membrane filtration to Aquagenx Gel tests. We collected a large water sample from the Orange Water and Sewage Authority (OWASA) to gather data. We diluted the water several times and then ran a series of membrane filtration and Aqugenx Gel tests. Once the samples had been incubated, we took photos of each test. The photos were then run through ImageJ to count the colonies. We are currently creating a linear regression between the results and accumulating more data for accuracy.

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