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Translation of the correspondence of Feige Loewenkopf (2009)

Undergraduate: John Gill

Faculty Advisor: Ruth von Bernuth
Department: Philosophy

My project is translating the correspondence of a mother and a daughter, Feige and Mary Loewenkopf. Feige, the mother, was a jewish woman murdered by the Nazis, presumably in the Treblinka concentration camp, during WWII. Mary, her daughter, survived her experience of Nazi persecution by fleeing to the Netherlands, where she spent the majority of the war first in different foster homes and finally in Westerbork, a Nazi transit camp that served as a portal to Auschwitz and other death camps throughout Europe. In addition to the correspondence there are various other documents that detail the experiences of Feige and Mary as they both tried to survive the Holocaust while still maintaining contact with each other and other family and friends.


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