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Another Way: Seeking Sustainability Through Community (2011)

Undergraduate: Jacquelyn Huntington

Faculty Advisor: Jock Lauterer
Department: Journalism & Mass Communication

This documentary project explores the stories of people living at Earthaven Ecovillage, an intentional community in Western North Carolina focused on social, spiritual and ecological sustainability. Totally off the grid, the private community uses renewable energy to power itself, grows at least 20 percent of its own food and regulates itself with a consensus-based governing system. However, many Earthaven residents still depend on cars, grocery stores and outside jobs to meet their needs. Through character-driven multimedia pieces, this online project examines the struggles and triumphs inherent to seeking sustainable life in a society that is increasingly modern and full of technology. These video, photo and audio pieces explore individual identities and, in concert, create a picture of the community as a whole.


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