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Dynamic Facial Soft Tissue Analysis (2015)

Undergraduate: Savannah Jacaruso

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Carroll-Ann Trotman
Department: Biology

Patients who undergo craniofacial soft tissue repair surgeries may remain with altered capacity for facial movements. Dr. Carroll-Ann Trotman’s Facial Animation Lab is exploring a method to potentially improve treatment results. This study analyzes facial movements to provide diagnostic information that can be used to accurately plan and assess craniofacial soft tissue surgeries through 4D computer software. Dynamic facial movement information is collected from control patients and from those with craniofacial abnormalities that affect their facial movement. Patients are recruited through the UNC School of Dentistry Craniofacial Center and are age and gender stratified. Four monochrome cameras are used to capture movements as patients perform a series of common facial expressions. Facial animation is recorded by tracking the movement of thirty-nine 3 mm reflective markers positioned at specific locations on the face. This study is currently ongoing at the UNC School of Dentistry and at Tufts University School of Medicine. Potential applications of this data include the generation of diagnoses, surgical planning, and outcome measures for patients undergoing repair surgeries for congenital facial abnormalities, dentofacial disharmonies and facial trauma all of which affect the functionality and aesthetics of the face.


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