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Capitol Hill: the undivided, eternal capital of Israel? (2014)

Undergraduate: Ming Yew Matthew Koo

Faculty Advisor: Hilary Lithgow
Department: History

When it comes to the issue of American support for Israel, scholars typically agree that a 'special relationship' exists between the two countries. For some, like John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, this 'special relationship' continues because of the clout possessed by the Israel lobby. On the other end of the spectrum, Mearsheimer and Walt's critics decry the Israel lobby thesis as shoddily constructed and exaggerated. My paper will first seek to tease out the complexities of the Israel lobby and assess the extent this thesis is valid. This investigation aims to ascertain whether alarm about Capitol Hill being the real, undivided Capital of Israel is justified or not. Second, assuming the Israel lobby thesis holds true, not only is America's role as an honest broker further undermined, the question then arises about how much of a challenge is the Israel lobby to a final peace settlement. Ultimately, my paper's two-pronged thrust seeks a more nuanced and contextualized appreciation of lobbying and American foreign policy.


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