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The Distinguished Flying Cross at United States Coast Guard Air Station Elizabeth City, N.C. (2009)

Undergraduate: David Lange

Faculty Advisor: Crystal Feimster
Department: History

The Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) is an Air Medal given to those who have shown extraordinary courage in aerial flight. The pilots and crews at the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station, Elizabeth City have received many DFC medals since 1939 when the base was first founded. However, no one really knew how many DFC medals have been awarded let alone who was involved. My presentation will briefly describe the history of the medal, the history of the Coast Guard base itself, and stories collected from pilots and crews who flew on these missions. These stories include will include a summary of the 13 missions starting with the first one flown in 1942. In addition, I will briefly recap over some of the most amazing stories that I acquired first hand from 10 of the surviving pilots and crew, stories dating back to a mission flown in 1980.


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