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Burn Awareness Public Campaign (2008)

Undergraduates: Iryna Maksymiv, Pavlo Vasulenko, head of central fire station's press department, Dr. Igor Stojanowski, MD, Ph.D.

Faculty Advisor: Oksana Leukhina
Department: Health Policy & Management

Burn accidents are the most tragical misfortunes in peoples’ lives. They cause insufferable pain and leave permanent physical and psychological scars. Their high rates are alarming, and the statistics about burned children are especially painful. The aim of my project was to reduce the rate of child burn victims in Ukraine by producing an educational film. Due to recent economic and political fluctuations, Ukraine did not have an opportunity to develop a provision of adequate health preventive services. Therefore, this film was of a special significance to Ukraine, as it signified a call for reform in the field of public health. Here I am presenting a 13 minute clip. The production process was challenging but gratifying. It consisted of an in depth literature research, multiple surveys and interviews with burn victims and fire fighters. I also worked closely with experts in the field, including accomplished surgeons and professors. This documentary includes stories of victims and professional advice about first measures to be taken in case of an accident. Due to a high success of this project, there is currently an invitation in place to do a similar work on the national level in the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv.


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