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Signal Generation and Data Acquisition Using LabVIEW

Undergraduates: Kevin Ostrowski, Mark Moog

Faculty Advisor: Frank Tsui
Department: Physics & Astronomy

Our collaborators have been able to make periodically-arranged organic molecules of around 100 nanometers in length. We term these assemblages ¿¿¿polymer brushes¿¿¿ and note their potential applications in electronics. Specifically, these brushes can preserve conduction electron spins, which may be used to convey information in next generation circuitry. To assess the usefulness of these materials, we intend to measure their responsiveness to applied ramping voltages from a Wavetek 30 MHz Sweep Generator. In order to collect these measurements on a computer, we need to interface with the function generator and a Tektronix TDS 3012 oscilloscope via a USB-6002 NI-DAQ board. We then need to acquire the waveforms from the oscilloscope for further analysis. The software to manage the data acquisition is written in LabVIEW, and we present the functionality of that code.


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