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LabVIEW and its use in Measuring Neutron Polarizability (2016)

Undergraduate: Nathan Perreau

Faculty Advisor: Hugon Karwowski
Department: Physics & Astronomy

Research at the Triangle University Nuclear Laboratory is being done to measure the polarizability of neutrons by measuring the effects of Compton scattering of gamma rays off a cryogenic target. The experimental controls and the data collected will be controlled on a computer through software called LabVIEW. My contribution to the research consists of developing the Virtual Instrument in LabVIEW that communicates with the various sensors needed to prepare and measure the conditions for the experiment. Through LabVIEW, the experimental parameters are set and measured, and the data is collected when the runs begin. My presentation will focus on explaining how the Virtual Instrument writes/reads the data from the various sensors, and what various feedback loops I programmed based off the data.


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