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Allied for a Better Future: The Importance of Supplemental Teacher Training in LGBTQ Affairs (2015)

Undergraduate: Katie Petry

Faculty Advisor: Patrick Akos
Department: American Studies

Current studies indicate that LGBTQ youth are coming out at increasingly younger ages than in previous generations. Consequently, schools and educational bodies are facing growing demands to handle LGBTQ-related concerns and affairs. However, current teacher preparatory programs and policies do not require specific training in LGBTQ-related social justice, leaving teachers and school personnel feeling inadequately trained and equipped to confront LGBTQ-related harassment and other homophobic situations often encountered at school. This project attempts to rectify the situation by proposing a mandatory training module which would equip pre-service teachers and current school personnel with the skills and experience necessary to confront situations of LGBTQ bullying and harassment within the school setting. The training program stresses the importance of combatting heteronormative school climates and/or personal biases, and prepares school personnel to become effective allies capable of actively confronting instances of LGBTQ-related harassment. Successful implementation of the proposed program aims to facilitate the creation of a safer, more inclusive school environment and promote improved psychosocial and behavioral functioning for LGBTQ-identifying youth.


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