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It Takes Two: The Dyadic Effects of Communicating Gratitude (2014)

Undergraduates: Blair K. Puleo, Kristjen B. Lundberg

Faculty Advisor: Sara B. Algoe
Department: Psychology & Neuroscience

Theory suggests that the emotion of gratitude distinctively fosters a high-quality relationship by promoting positive connections between dyad members (Algoe et al., 2008). The current research examines one aspect of this theory by assessing whether positive emotions experienced from expressing gratitude are dependent on both the quality of the expression and the quality of the response to that expression. During a laboratory-based behavior task, members of romantic relationships expressed gratitude toward one another. Subsequently, the expresser¿s praising behavior and the target¿s behavioral response (specifically empathy, validation, and humility) were coded. Multilevel modeling analyses revealed a significant interaction such that high-quality praising behavior paired with high-quality humble responses were predictive of the highest levels of positive emotions experienced by the expresser. These findings suggest that, in close relationships, the beneficial effects of gratitude are dependent on a dyadic process in which the actions and responses of both the grateful person and the original benefactor must be considered.


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