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Glorifying the gay: Legitimising homosexual marriage (2012)

Undergraduates: Simi Rai, Jordynn Jack

Faculty Advisor: Jordynn Jack
Department: English

North Carolina’s upcoming decision to impose the ban on Gay marriage has made its return into the political spotlight. My poster will be focusing on the rhetoric of the argument for and against the potential amendment in the run up to Election Day. The majority of the poster will look at the persuasiveness of the Republican argument against homosexuals. Therefore, I will propose the questions: Can the ban for homosexual marriages be justified? Is it really about love or the sanctity of marriage? Essentially by displaying the rhetoric of the Republicans and the LGBT voices, I am observing the effectiveness and persuasiveness of their speeches and writing to reach out to the public today. Secondarily, I have been following articles from the “Queer Rhetoric project” and the “Human Rights Campaign” to illustrate my debate. Thus far, my conclusions have found that it has less to do with the rhetoric of the Republicans than it is the lack of it, in their disallowance of any public comment. "There's a myth that history is on a trajectory moving toward same-sex marriage," Brown said. "There is no such momentum." Surprising, since the USA poll showed 47 percent in favor of same sex marriage as opposed to the 39 percent that were against it. I will also portray the reactions and responses of activists groups against this denial. Ultimately, I have found that their active response in alerting the public to this injustice is most effective against the denial of public comment.


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