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Hazardous Hallways: Investigating Policy Contributing to Harmful School Conditions for Students in PovertyHazardous Hallways: Investigating Harmful School Conditions for Stud (2016)

Undergraduate: Judy Robbins

Faculty Advisor: Patrick Akos
Department: Public Policy

Previous research on Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), water quality, and other environmental factors in public schools is largely focused on the factors that contribute to these conditions, as well as how these conditions impact students' academic achievement. However, conversations and research about poor facilities and conditions are not extensive in regard to disparities found for students in poverty versus those who are not. It is important to know what types of policies perpetuate harmful school conditions that impact students across the country. Public policies that address other factors in schools and children's lives, such as school funding, housing, and school zoning laws, are instrumental in understanding how we can better address environmental injustice in schools in order to support well rounded and comprehensive student learning. The purpose of this research is to examine the how current policies surrounding school facilities and funding influence the risk of hazardous school conditions for students in poverty. This policy evaluation will be done on a local, state, and national level, looking at policies specific to the School District of Philadelphia, in addition to Pennsylvania state and federal policy in order to understand how the different jurisdictions impact school environments.


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