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Theoretical Limits of 238U NRF Detection in Cargo Containers (2011)

Undergraduates: Benjamin Ryan, none none none

Faculty Advisor: Hugon Karwowski
Department: Physics & Astronomy

Sophisticated detection methods are required to efficiently screen the immense volume of containers imported into the United States for the presence of special nuclear materials. The feasibility of detection of characteristic nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) lines for the 238U isotope inside a shipping container is examined. Similarly to atoms, nuclei fluoresce when they are excited by incident photons of particular energies unique to each isotope. Detection of the resulting gamma transitions induced by a gamma ray source allows for nonintrusive interrogation of materials. The Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation toolkit was used to simulate NRF gamma rays generated in a uranium target in an otherwise bare shipping container and subsequent incidence on detector geometry to determine interrogation detectability limits based on current detector technology.


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