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Love Lessons from "The Bachelor": Will you accept this rose? (2012)

Undergraduate: Anna Sprecher

Faculty Advisor: Jordynn Jack
Department: English

I wanted to study the portrayal of love on reality television through the dating show, "The Bachelor". While others have said that reality television harms viewers in its inability to portray events realistically, I predict that reality television offers some realistic lessons. I approached this study by analyzing the most recent season of ABC’s "The Bachelor", and my overall goal was to distinguish the differences between the winner and the runner-up. To find common ground, I transcribed conversations from the show and analyzed the women using four categories that make up society’s stereotypical idea of romance: wit, compatibility/”connection”, complimenting/flirting, and body language/eye contact. I created a blog to organize my analysis of each woman. After studying the show, various interviews, and talk shows, I conclude that the final couple demonstrates a relationship held together by something other than the categories, communication. According to the categories, Ben should be with the other woman, but he is not. Without communication, the final couple would not be together now. The idea of communication may be unromantic, but it works long-term. Ultimately, reality television provides realistic elements that are undermined or ignored by the producers. "The Bachelor", and other reality dating shows, has the potential to influence viewers positively if it chooses to emphasize the realistic elements of the show as opposed to the drama filled, or scandalous aspects.


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