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Spectral Study of a Broad Energy HPGe Detector for First Measurement of Coherent Neutrino Scattering (2015)

Undergraduates: Jason Surbrook, Matthew Green, Oak Ridge National Lab

Faculty Advisor: John Wilkerson
Department: Physics & Astronomy

Intense neutrino flux at the Spallation
Intense neutrino flux at the Spallation

Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) in

the energy domain below E? = 50MeV makes SNS a suitable location

for measurement of Coherent Neutrino Scattering. Coherent scattering

is assumed to occupy vital roles in supernovae (SN) events and measurement

offers promising insight into SN mechanics and advancements

in SN-? detection. Furthermore, this interaction is well-calculable and

therefore, a strong test of the Standard Model. P-Type Point Contact

High-purity germanium detectors are excellent candidates for this

measurement due to their sensitivity to low-energy nuclear recoils. One

such, a Canberra Broad Energy HPGe detector, was tested for quality

degradation from exposure to fast neutrons in the SNS target building,

to assess usefulness in a future coherent scattering experiment. Analysis

of the lead-shielded spectra was handled using tools developed for

the Majorana Demonstrator neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment.

Broad spectrum energy resolution and 68Ge decay rates were

calculated. This poster will present findings that will help determine

this detectors eligibility and exposure limitations for measurement in a

future coherent neutrino scattering experiment at the SNS.


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