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Functional knee bracing and ankle mechanics of adolescent athletes post-ACL reconstruction (2014)

Undergraduate: Sarah Wilkey

Faculty Advisor: Meredith Petschauer
Department: Exercise & Sport Science

Objective: To determine whether or not wearing a functional knee brace during rehabilitation affects ankle mechanics in patients six months following ACL reconstruction surgery.

Hypothesis: It was hypothesized that wearing a functional knee brace would increase vertical ground reaction force, decrease ankle range of motion, and increase ankle moments.

Methods: Twenty adolescent patients who had undergone ACL reconstruction surgery were recruited for the study. All subjects were assessed through motion analysis for a stop jump task. Subjects first completed the task while wearing an extension-limiting functional knee brace on the surgical limb and then without wearing the brace. For all subjects, data were collected six months following ACL reconstruction surgery.

Results: There were no significant differences observed between the braced and non-braced conditions.

Conclusions: Functional knee bracing seems to have no effect on the mechanics of the ankle on the surgical side.


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