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Into The Woods: How to Assess Wildlife Education, A Systematic Review (2015)

Undergraduate: Elizabeth Williard

Faculty Advisor: Candace Killian-Farrell
Department: Chemistry

The goal of this study is to develop a program assessment survey appropriate for elementary aged students to accurately assess the effectiveness of weekly after school wildlife education courses. After school programs are a way to expose children to learning opportunities that would not be present in the classroom. These types of programs are often taught by instructors from non-profit organizations through education grants. In order to provide information about the programs to receive funding, it is important to have a way to assess how children are impacted by these programs. For this purpose, it is important that the surveys are designed to minimize bias. This project aims to provide a survey that will adequately measure changes in children¿¿¿s perception of the environment while minimizing bias related to survey design.


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