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How to Find a Research Mentor

Want to do research but don’t know where to start? Participate in this interactive workshop to develop the tools to find and interact with faculty researchers whose research aligns with your interests and could be potential research mentors.

Networking and Research

Learn to talk to potential research mentors and broaden your research network. We'll offer tips on how to talk to new people, share information about yourself, and ask questions to leave a stellar first impression.

Getting Involved in Research in Biology

Talk with OUR Ambassadors who are fellow undergrads conducting research in Biology. Hear their perspectives on identifying mentors and labs, locating opportunities, and getting course credit for your research. After a brief panel, there will be plenty of time for Q&A.

Poster Design

Get ready for the Celebration of Undergraduate Research or other symposia this Spring and create an academic poster that stands out in the presentation hall.