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Research in Differential Equations and Applied Mathematics


I have multiple undergraduate research projects that involve various aspects of analysis of differential equations, math modeling and scientific computation . Here are some example projects, but I am open to discussion about related projects based upon student interests: 1. … Read more

Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs with Walking Droplets


The Physical Mathematics Lab (PML) (Intro Video) offers a wide range of interdisciplinary problems that find motivation in very diverse fields, including soft matter, fluid mechanics, biophysics and quantum mechanics. One of PML’s themes is the study of new Hydrodynamic … Read more

PCB (Electronic circuit) design opportunity


The Pegard LAB (Applied Physical Sciences) is recruiting an undergraduate student to build an initial prototype for a portable biometric monitor. The student’s primary responsibility will be adapting our circuit design into a compact PCB board. Thus, candidates with a … Read more

Undergraduate Researcher in the Servedio Lab


How do new species form? The formation of new species – ‘speciation’ – is still not fully understood, and remains a fruitful avenue of research. Here, we propose to investigate the implication of the evolution of genetic architecture (i.e., the … Read more

Brain Mapping Research Opportunity


Motivated undergraduate students are invited to join our Lab, the Neurocognition and Imaging Research Laboratory (NIRL) to learn functional and structural brain imaging and electrophysiological data acquisition methods. Our research examines the neurobiological underpinnings of adolescent-onset neuropsychiatric disorders, using magnetic … Read more

Undergrad research opportunities in pharmacoengineering lab


Research in the Lai Lab is at the interface of mucus, immunology, nanotechnology, biomaterials, biophysics, bioengineering and modeling. We are currently working in three primary areas: (1) engineering antibodies for improved protection against pathogens and sperm at mucosal surfaces; (2) … Read more

Data-Driven EnviroLab Student RA Positions Available


The Data-Driven EnviroLab (“DDL”) at UNC-Chapel Hill is seeking to fill three student assistant positions to contribute a range of projects aimed to bring quantitative rigor and analysis to environmental policymaking. Research projects include measuring urban environmental performance; assessing sub-national … Read more