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WinSPIRE Career Fair and Panel Discussion


You’re invited to participate in a Career Fair at UNC-Chapel Hill hosted by WinSPIRE on July 20, 2023

Are you looking to make an impact in the lives of high-school students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds? Would you like to make connections with early-career STEM trainees (undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs) and other UNC STEM community members in the Triangle?

The WinSPIRE Career Fair event will include:

  1. Career Panel Discussions (9 AM – 10 AM): Led by STEM professionals who identify as a historically marginalized gender in STEM (including women, non-binary, transgender, two-spirit, etc.), we will discuss career paths and day-to-day life in a variety of STEM careers. Are you interested in being a speaker in this discussion? Indicate your interest here:

  2. Career Fair Networking Event (10 AM – 12 PM): early-career STEM trainees (undergraduates, graduate students, and post-docs) and other UNC community members interested in STEM careers are invited to network with STEM companies and organizations. Each organization will be provided a space to set up educational and promotional material during the event. Sign-up for a table space here:

Why should you or your company participate in the WinSPIRE Career Fair?

This is a great opportunity for companies to recruit early-career trainees within the Triangle, and show their commitment to outreach; we will publicize each company’s involvement in this event through our social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.), website, and other local media outlets.

Company Sign-up is FREE prior to May 31st. Starting June 1st, a registration fee of $15 will apply per company/organization.

Participants can RSVP for the event using this form. We will also have walk-ins on the day of the event.

About the host:

The WinSPIRE Organization hosts an immersive summer research program for local, talented high school students who identify as a historically marginalized gender in STEM. Students receive hands-on experience in a STEM research laboratory and career development and college-prep workshops to help set students up for future success (applying to college, financial aid, etc.). We guarantee financial support for all participants – a stipend competitive to minimum wage – ensuring socioeconomic status is not a barrier to participation.

Since 2017,  WinSPIRE has hosted 47 students in labs across the STEM fields at UNC, including Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and Computer Science. Our students have reported having more confidence in having the skills necessary to pursue a STEM career, having an even greater interest in going into a STEM field, and that the program changed their perceptions of people in STEM and the process of doing science in a positive way. Are you interested in becoming involved with WinSPIRE? Find out more here!

If you have any additional questions or would like to talk with us, please contact Meaghan Kennedy Ng ( and Anca Frasineanu (