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2024 Celebration of Undergraduate Research

The 25th Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research will be held on Monday, April 29, 2024, from 2:30-5:30pm in Alumni Hall at the Carolina Club (George Watts Hill Alumni Center) at 105 Stadium Drive.

Please scroll below for a full list of presenter details, including poster titles, session, and poster numbers.

The Celebration will consist of three sequential poster sessions starting at 2:30pm, 3:30pm, and 4:30pm, and it will be open to the public. Upon arrival, all attendees should be sure to check in via the QR code outside Alumni Hall. Presenters should plan to arrive approximately 15 minutes before the beginning of their session and pick up name tags at the table near the interior entrance. All attendees and presenters should scan the QR code at the entrance to check in and to get an online list of posters/presenters.

Session 1: 2:30 - 3:20 | Session 2: 3:30 - 4:20 | Session 3: 4:30 - 5:20

Showing 4 of 454 posters

Session 3

Thematic Analysis of the Buffalo Shooter’s Manifesto

Okoli Laila, Virginia Llewellyn

Department: Communication Studies Department
Faculty Mentor: Michael Waltman

Session 2

Sleep-mediated Learning of Distorted Speech

Cameron Thomas

Department: Psychology and Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Julia Drouin

Session 3

Epistemic Arrogance: A Tool for Greater Meaning in Life?

Francisco Ceccotti

Department: Psychology & Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Kurt Gray

Session 1

Dark Matter Velocity Distributions and the Matter Power Spectrum

Meredith Pritchard

Department: Physics and Astronomy
Faculty Mentor: Adrienne Erickcek