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Wind Energy in China: Using Denmark as a Case Study (2010)

Undergraduate: Jamie Yang

Faculty Advisor: Larry Chavis
Department: Business Administration

China continues to demonstrate a rapidly growing economy, but growing emissions actually dampens GDP growth. On the other side, Denmark is a leader of renewable energy and a pioneer of wind energy. Denmark has implemented one of the most aggressive energy policies aiming to decrease overall energy consumption and increasing renewable energy's share of total energy produced. Using Denmark as a benchmark, China can surely learn some lessons from Denmark. In my thesis, I focus on the wind energy industry, government structure, and policies of each country in order to determine which policies can be incorporated into China's current energy policies. The geographic, demographic, and government differences proved to be an obstacle in determining which policies could be adapted to Chinese culture. Offshore wind farms, wind farm co-ops, and international collaboration have been successful in Denmark, and have the potential to be successful in China.


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