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Carolina Institute for Developmental Disabilities: Research Assistant

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This project is a pilot study aimed at identifying barriers to participation in autism research for Black families of children with autism. This project will use both qualitative (I.e., interviews) and quantitative (i.e., machine learning on extant data) methods to identify barriers. The research assistant would be responsible for assisting with project management (e.g., scheduling/contacting participants, data entry, interview transcription).  There will be opportunities to learn about qualitative interviewing and data coding.  Research assistant may have the opportunity to collaborate on research posters and/or publications resulting from this project.  The supervisor is a licensed psychologist with expertise in developmental disabilities.

To promote cultural sensitivity and representation while learning more about the experiences of Black families, the ideal candidate would identify as Black or African American.

Please send CV/resume, and one-page cover letter describing your interest in the position to

Faculty Advisor
Kelly Caravella
Research Supervisor
Kelly Caravella
Type of Position
Application Deadline