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Digital Propaganda Research Team

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We have several teams analyzing the video propaganda of several different violent extremist groups. Students analyze the materials of jihadist, right wing extremist (several types) or other groups (we’re adding now) to seek to understand how these persuasive texts work to radicalize and recruit.

This position will work to analyze video propaganda using an analytic tool unique to UNC, learning how propaganda works, analytic methods, study design.

Interested students should send a letter answering the following to Dr. Dauber: What courses have you taken that give you a background in extremist ideology? Have you taken any courses that discuss how propaganda works? What interests you in violent extremist groups? Do you have a preference as to what kind of groups you would like to work on? Do you have any language skills? Please also include your resume.

Faculty Advisor
Cori Dauber
Research Supervisor
Cori Dauber
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline