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Research Assistant

Post Date

The Recovery of Gait and Neurorehabilitation (ReGaiN) Lab is looking for motivated undergraduate students to assist with multiple studies involving gait/walking training for individuals with neurological impairment. Volunteers would be involved with data collection, data processing, data management and potentially participant recruitment depending on availability. Volunteers will gain experience and skills in data collection with motion capture, force plates, EMGs, and IMUs, and be introduced to data processing with Nexus, Visual 3D, and Labview. Volunteering in the ReGaiN Lab will also provide students with the opportunity to meet and work with individuals with neurologic impairment, and learn about different neurologic conditions. The lab is located at 180 Medical Wing D, adjacent to UNC Campus Health Services. Days/times are flexible depending on volunteer availability.

This research opportunity would be ideal for students within the Biomedical Engineering department, Exercise and Sport Science department, or those interested in Neuroscience, Neuro-Rehabilitation, or a future career in Physical Therapy. If you are interested in applying for the position, please email with a brief resume, cover letter and availability for a meeting.

Faculty Advisor
Dr. Michael Lewek PT, PhD
Research Supervisor
Dr. Chelsea Duppen PT, DPT
Type of Position
Application Deadline