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Research Assistant

Post Date

This opportunity is for motivated students interested in gaining experience in clinical research with people with neurodegenerative conditions. The Sklerov lab uses a multidisciplinary approach with neurophysiology, transcranial magnetic stimulation, questionnaires, and behavioral tasks to learn more about non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and other brain diseases. We are looking for research assistants to help with participant recruitment, running research visits, and collecting high quality research data. Research assistants will receive training in conducting clinical research, administering clinical screen tests and questionnaires, applying and recording electroencephalography (EEG), administering a computerized behavior task, and administering transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Applicants must have blocks of at least 4 hours of in person availability for research visits during normal business hours (9am-5pm) at least 1 day per week.

Faculty Advisor
Miriam Sklerov, MD MS
Research Supervisor
Anita Frohlich
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline