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Volunteer Undergraduate Research Assistant

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Seeking highly motivated students to start Summer Session II, with the possibility to continue during Fall 2024. Dr. Sheeran’s laboratory is exploring the comparative prevalence of observational and experimental studies in health psychology journals.

Explicitly, we seek to answer the following questions: Are observational studies more likely to be (a) conducted and (b) cited than intervention studies in health psychology? Is there a self-fulfilling prophecy?
Undergraduate Research Assistants involved in this study will have the chance to contribute to different aspects of the research, such as searching for articles within the SCOPUS database and inputting/organizing data in Excel files. Students in this position should be available for a minimum of 8 hours/week. If you’re considering graduate school, this is a great opportunity to experience working on a research study. We strongly encourage applications from diverse backgrounds. If interested, please email your resume to Yifei Pei (

Faculty Advisor
Dr. Paschal Sheeran
Research Supervisor
Yifei Pei
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline