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How/Why Research? At UNC, I’ve personally found that both professors and researchers are eager to provide undergraduate students with opportunities within laboratories across campus. When I decided I wanted to become involved I first spent significant time discovering my potential research interests. I then looked into which specific UNC labs aligned with these interests, and began reaching out via email. After some time, I began receiving responses, and was offered various interviews. I used these interviews as a chance to meet the lab team, talk through scheduling expectations, and better understand my potential responsibilities. Through this process I ultimately found myself taking on a lab position that allows me to work hands-on at the forefront of the field I’m interested in, and learn more than I ever could in a lecture!

Research Experiences: In high school I interned for the Buck Institute for Research on Aging where I participated in a study looked to better understand the relationship between neuropeptide signaling and aging across all species. This past summer I had the opportunity to work for the Stanford Behavioral and Functional Neuroscience Laboratory where I assisted in the discovery of novel therapeutic approaches for neurologic approaches such as stroke, Alzheimer’s, and autism. This year I am excited to start working in the Hingtgen Lab at UNC, working to better understand the potential of stem cell targeted terminal cancer treatment.