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Mohamed Ghareeb


How/Why Research? I’ve always been really interested in how the human body works, especially when it comes to different diseases. Cardiovascular research caught my attention because I wanted to understand more about heart and blood vessel problems that affect so … Read more

Taanvii Verma


How/Why Research? I was involved in childhood trauma research during my senior year of highschool, and I wanted to explore my curiosity for that field as an undergraduate. I cold-emailed research labs the summer after my freshman year, and was … Read more

Zack Ficenec


How/Why Research? While touring colleges my senior year of high school, research was constantly brought up to show the respective universities’ ground-breaking initiatives. Because of this, I knew that I wanted to be involved in research as quickly as possible … Read more

Yingning Sang


How/Why Research? I’ve always been into research, starting back in high school when I did two projects and really saw what I was learning come to life. When I came to college, I kept my interest by joining the Lai … Read more

Clara DiVincenzo


How/Why Research? In high school, I gained an appreciation for research by assisting in projects to study residential area nutrient loading and coral restoration. I knew I wanted to get involved in coral research at UNC, and found the Castillo … Read more

Sadie Steelman


How/Why Research? I was interested in pursuing research at UNC after completing an independent research project and loving the investigative nature of the work! I obtained my position at UNC Medical School and my first project at the CPC by … Read more

Roshni Arun


How/Why Research? I’ve always been passionate about research because it’s a continuous cycle of learning, discovery, and sharing insights with the broader community. I’ve primarily gotten involved through reaching out to professors and networking with mentors and professionals in the … Read more

Cynthia Li


How/Why Research? I saw a lung experiment in middle school which got me interested, and lung cancer is one of the most fatal diseases. I chose UNC knowing the presence of the Lineberger Cancer Center, so I went through the … Read more

Advaith Cheruvu


How/Why Research? I got involved in research after developing an interest in quantum computing and learning about its potential impacts. Through my first year at Carolina, I searched online for ongoing research relating to quantum computing around the triangle. Then, … Read more

Suhan Asaigoli


How/Why Research? My research interests come from me having a strong interest in medicine and engineering, and wanting to take a computational approach to creating solutions for diagnosing and treating debilitating, particularly neurological, disorders. Getting involved in this type of … Read more