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How/Why Research? I’ve always been passionate about research because it’s a continuous cycle of learning, discovery, and sharing insights with the broader community. I’ve primarily gotten involved through reaching out to professors and networking with mentors and professionals in the field! After coming to UNC, I streamlined my research interests and identified professors who conducted research aligning with my interests.
Research Experience: My research has spanned genomics, protein biochemistry, cancer biology, and immunology at various institutions such as the UNC School of Medicine, the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory, the National Cancer Institute (NIH/NCI), and Astrazeneca, to name a few. With aspirations toward a PhD, I’ve been working to cultivate a comprehensive understanding of research within academic, governmental, and industrial spheres to better inform my career goals.
Student Organizations/Clubs: UNC Loreleis, The Health Humanities Journal, JOURney
Random Fun Fact: I used to be in a rock band!