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2024 Celebration of Undergraduate Research

The 25th Annual Celebration of Undergraduate Research will be held on Monday, April 29, 2024, from 2:30-5:30pm in Alumni Hall at the Carolina Club (George Watts Hill Alumni Center) at 105 Stadium Drive.

Please scroll below for a full list of presenter details, including poster titles, session, and poster numbers.

The Celebration will consist of three sequential poster sessions starting at 2:30pm, 3:30pm, and 4:30pm, and it will be open to the public. Upon arrival, all attendees should be sure to check in via the QR code outside Alumni Hall. Presenters should plan to arrive approximately 15 minutes before the beginning of their session and pick up name tags at the table near the interior entrance. All attendees and presenters should scan the QR code at the entrance to check in and to get an online list of posters/presenters.

Session 1: 2:30 - 3:20 | Session 2: 3:30 - 4:20 | Session 3: 4:30 - 5:20

Showing 30 of 454 posters

Session 2

Exploring Uncertainty of Outcome in Dominant Seasons: Sponsor-Team Dynamics in Formula One

Jonah Dolgoff

Department: Exercise and Sports Science
Faculty Mentor: Jonathan Jensen

Session 2

Dunking Dollars: Assessing the Economic Impact of Superstars on NBA Game Attendance

Alexandra Dunbar, Hayden Russ, Emily Tsipis, Sreyas Sureneni

Department: Exercise and Sports Science
Faculty Mentor: Johnathan Jensen

Session 1

Role of Exopolysaccharides in Transient Transformation and Virulence of Agrobacterium fabrum

Caroline Chandler

Department: Biology
Faculty Mentor: Ann Matthysse

Session 2

Measuring Chemobrain: A comparative assessment of executive function, attention, and memory between neuropsychological tests and the Dot Pattern Expectancy task

Ritushree Dutta

Department: Psychology & Neuroscience, UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center
Faculty Mentor: Jessica Cohen

Session 3

Oligomerization and Structural Reconstruction Characterization of an LPL Filament

Kareem El-Houshy

Department: Biophysics and Biochemistry
Faculty Mentor: Kathryn Gunn

Session 3

An Analysis of Suzuki-Trotter Decompositions for Quantum Thermodynamics

Rachel Emrick

Department: Mathematics, Physics
Faculty Mentor: Jingfang Huang

Session 2

Session 1

The Effects of Adolescent Depression and ADHD on Educational Attainment in Adulthood

Jiaqi Chen

Department: Economics Department
Faculty Mentor: Jane Fruehwirth

Session 3

Effects of Parental Substance Use on Children's Cognitive and Educational Outcomes

Caitlyn Esparza

Department: Psychology and Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Andrea Hussong

Session 1

BET inhibition sensitizes preclinical models of bladder cancer to DDR inhibitors

Bhavika Chirumamilla

Department: Biology, Eshelman School of Pharmacy
Faculty Mentor: Corey Johnson

Session 2

Nutritional Status, Dietary Intake, and Nutrition-Related Interventions Among Older Adults With Type 1 Diabetes (T1D): A Systematic Review and Call for More Evidence Toward Clinical Guidelines

Gabriella Ercolino

Department: Center for Aging and Health, UNC at Chapel Hill, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, School of Medicine, UNC at Chapel Hill, Medicine, School of Medicine, UNC at Chapel Hill, Nutrition, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health
Faculty Mentor: Anna Kahkoska

Session 2

New Strategies Towards Photochemical Nitrogen Fixation

Afrah Faraz, Tamara Jurado

Department: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Alexander Miller

Session 3

Exploring the Impact of Sleep on Emotion Regulation Across the Life Span

Jennifer Fan

Department: Psychology and Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Kristen Lindquist

Session 1

Optimizing CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Bax Gene Knock-Out in Sympathetic Neurons

Gretchen Davis

Department: School of Medicine (SOM), UNC Neuroscience Center
Faculty Mentor: Mohanish Deshmukh

Session 2

A Phonetic Comparison of American English and Québécois French

Miri Feigin

Department: Romance Studies
Faculty Mentor: Laura Demsey

Session 1

MDMA Exposure Upregulates BDNF Gene Expression in the Amygdala and Dorsal Hippocampus

Natalie Deeb, Yesha Patel, Divine Irona, Qingyang (Claire) Sun

Department: Psychology and Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Shveta Parekh

Session 3

Leader Reactions to Their Own Gender-Based Image Threat: Why Leaders React Functionally and Dysfunctionally

Abigail Fleri

Department: Kenan Flagler Business School
Faculty Mentor: Marie Mitchell

Session 2

RING Finger Proteins in Crossover Designation and Interference

Emerson Frantz

Department: Biology
Faculty Mentor: Jeff Sekelsky

Session 1

Phototherapeutic release of carboxyfluorescein from liposomal carriers

Sriya Dhanikonda

Department: CBMC
Faculty Mentor: David Lawrence

Session 3

Healthcare Access and Quality in Middle Age and Older Autistic Adults

Vidya Gadikota

Department: Psychology & Neuroscience
Faculty Mentor: Laura Klinger

Session 1

Assessing the effects of pH on Venus flytrap performance

Emily Eldridge, Jeremy Lamb, Connor Blevins, John Carter

Department: UNC Biology (BIOL 255H)
Faculty Mentor: Christopher Willett

Session 2

Future of Physics AI

Ivan Fuentes

Department: Physics
Faculty Mentor: Duane Deardorff

Session 3

Cervical Injuries in Ice Hockey: A Comprehensive Analysis from 2014-2022

Daniel Goldstein

Department: Exercise and Sports Science
Faculty Mentor: Kristen Kucera

Session 3

Rotary Reactor Setup for Atomic Layer Deposition of Artificial Solid Electrolyte Interphase

Yuqing Gu

Department: Chemistry
Faculty Mentor: Scott Warren

Session 1

FANCA-deficient cancer cells are sensitized to PARPi and ATRi by homologous recombination-independent mechanisms

Simon Ellington

Department: Biochemistry & Biophysics, Radiation Oncology
Faculty Mentor: Gaorav Gupta

Session 1

A Machine Learning Approach to Ca1on Iden1fica1on for Solubility Op1miza1on of Redox Ac1ve Material for Non-aqueous Redox Flow BaHeries

yanni etchi

Department: Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Massachussets Dartmouth
Faculty Mentor: Maricris Mayes

Session 2

Simulating HPGe Detector Signals for Machine Learning Applications

Natalie Gray

Department: Physics and Astronomy
Faculty Mentor: Julieta Gruszko

Session 3

Exploring Equity in Funding: A Case Study of Participatory Grantmaking for North Carolina Community Gardens

Salma Hakam

Department: Nutrition, Gillings School of Global Public Health
Faculty Mentor: Molly De Marco