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Disease Ecology Research Field/Lab Technician


Assist with research on plant disease ecology in field and lab settings. The research technician will work on a grant-funded project examining the role of the plant microbiome in pathogen transmission. Specific duties include extensive vegetation surveys of foliar fungal … Read more

Volunteer Research Assistants Needed – Autism Study


The purpose of this study is to examine sex differences in social-pragmatic skills or the social use of language in school-age children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and typically developing (TD) children. Data collection will be done entirely online and … Read more

Undergraduate RA positions in the Penn Lab


The Penn Lab is hiring undergraduate research assistants to begin in Summer 2022, with opportunities to continue on in the coming academic year. The Penn Lab primarily works with individuals who have experienced their first episode of psychosis (FEP) or … Read more

Undergraduate Researcher


The Bai Lab ( ) in the Department of Applied Physical Sciences ( ) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is looking for motivated undergraduate students who would be interested in pursuing applied research for improving … Read more

Aging Brain Clinic Research Assistant


The Aging Brain Clinic is an interdisciplinary clinic (neurology, geriatrics, geropsychiatry, neuropsychology) focused on optimizing cognition to prevent further decline in older adults with cognitive impairment. The clinicians in the clinic all have expertise in managing cognitive impairment and addressing … Read more

Research Assistant in Neurobiology of Addiction Rodent Lab


The Herman Lab is looking for a sophomore or junior to conduct behavioral neuroscience experiments in our addiction-focused laboratory. Responsibilities include tissue processing, immunohistochemistry, and imaging as well as running drug exposure procedures in rats and mice, and assisting other … Read more

Research Assistants – Eye-biometrics tracking device


Prof. Pegard and Prof. Rodriguez-Romaguera, faculty members of the Carolina Stress Initiative ( are currently seeking research assistants to develop devices that track arousal in animals and in humans by measuring ocular biometrics. We are looking for undergraduate researchers for … Read more

Molecular Biology Laboratory Assistant


The Animal Models Core facility is seeking a student to work part-time in our molecular biology laboratory in support of our efforts to generate genetically engineered rodent and cell line models for researchers. The student will perform PCR genotyping, assist … Read more

Neurocognition and Imaging Research Laboratory


Research in my lab examines the neural (brain) substrates of complex cognitive functions in children, adolescents and adults. We are particularly interested din brain changes associated with risk for mental illness, such as psychosis and mood disorders, and how stress … Read more