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Computer Science and Health Sciences Research Assistant for Project Open

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Project Open is aimed at improving in-person expressive communication for individuals with complex communication needs (CCN) who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). Target groups include individuals with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, cerebral palsy, and intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Project is funded by a grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research.

We are developing an open source platform to enable non-cs researchers to develop innovative interfaces for people who need help talking. It is a huge program that runs in the web browser.

There are multiple opportunities for students with different interests.

Budding web developers could help write code for components of the system. You’d learn a ton of valuable real-life web-dev skills.

Students interested in UX (user experience) could help design the interface. The system consists of nested components each with multiple input fields. You will learn to apply UX design principles to real systems.

Students interested in accessibility could help us apply (or verify that we are applying) W3C guidelines so that researchers with disabilities could use our system. A student who uses a screen reader would be especially helpful. You would learn to build and evaluate accessible user interfaces.

Finally students who are good at explaining things could contribute by learning to use the system, then writing documentation explaining the process to others. No special computer skills required.

Please email Dr. Bishop if you are interested. In your email, speak to relevant courses you have taken and relevant projects you have done, especially those done outside of a class.

Faculty Advisor
Gary Bishop
Research Supervisor
Gary Bishop
Faculty Email:
Type of Position
Application Deadline