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Atkin Lab Research Assistant


Light interacting with a material can provide a wide range of information about its electronic and chemical structure. In the Atkin group, we develop and use optical techniques to understand how nanoscale structure affects the performance of molecular and inorganic … Read more

Pegard Lab – Research Assistant


We are creating a miniature duel microscope that can be used to study functional connectivity in the brain. This will open new doors in approaches to studying neuroscience and optics. Your part of the project will involve reverse engineering C++ … Read more

Medical imaging device design and Holographic visualization


We offer opportunities to be involved in device development for medical imaging and other medical applications. We are looking for students with expertise in programming and hardware design. Additional skills with 3-D modeling and game design would be applicable for … Read more

Psychology of Language Research Assistant


Do experimental research on psychology of language. Our lab has multiple ongoing projects, most of which examine how people use language in context, and especially how people refer and understand references. … Do experimental research on psychology of language. Most … Read more

Undergraduate Research in OSCAR Lab


The OS, Security, Concurrency, and Architecture Research (OSCAR) Lab in the Department of Computer Science investigates novel computer systems designs. Projects generally involve building serious computer system prototypes, and then measuring improvements in performance, security, or usability. Current projects include: … Read more

Undergraduate Research (Mathematics and Related)


We are examining the effect of background geometry on solutions to the wave equation. This can be used, e.g., to answer questions about what light waves do near black holes. A region outside of a black hole exists where light … Read more