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Research Assistant for Quantitative Imaging


We are imaging the cochlea of the inner ear of gerbils using light sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM). This new imaging technique allows for a 3D visualization of an entire cochlea and observation of cells that are fluorescently labeled by immunological … Read more

Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs with Walking Droplets


The Physical Mathematics Lab (PML) (Intro Video) offers a wide range of interdisciplinary problems that find motivation in very diverse fields, including soft matter, fluid mechanics, biophysics and quantum mechanics. One of PML’s themes is the study of new Hydrodynamic … Read more

Research Opportunity in Computational Biology (CS department)


We are seeking an undergraduate researcher to join us in the CompCyLab []. Our research focuses on single-cell bioinformatics and computational biology. We develop new algorithms to extract signal from modern single-cell assays, such as flow and mass cytometry. Our … Read more

Adolescent Cognition and Brain Mapping Research Opportunity


Are you interested in studying brain function, brain development and neurodevelopment changes associated with psychiatric or neurodevelopment disabilities? The Neurocognition and Imaging Research Lab (NIRL), an interdisciplinary research group affiliated with the Psychiatry Department and the Frank Porter Graham Child … Read more

Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs with Walking Droplets


The Physical Mathematics Lab (PML) offers a wide range of interdisciplinary problems that find motivation in very diverse fields, including soft matter, fluid mechanics, biophysics and quantum mechanics. One of PML???s themes is the study of new Hydrodynamic Quantum Analogs … Read more

Medical Image Analysis Research


The Biomedical Image Analysis Group (BIAG) within the department of computer science offers various research opportunities for undergraduate students. We focus on designing algorithms to extract quantitative measures from biomedical data, in particular, from images (e.g., from computed tomography, magnetic … Read more

Undergraduate Research (Mathematics and Related)


We are examining the effect of background geometry on solutions to the wave equation. This can be used, e.g., to answer questions about what light waves do near black holes. A region outside of a black hole exists where light … Read more