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Evan Rosenberg


How/Why Research? After tearing my ACL during my senior year of high school, I came to UNC and participated in many of the studies that the EXSS Department was conducting on knee injuries. I found this research extremely interesting and … Read more

Annastasia Myers-Kiker


How/Why Research? I became involved in research due to several reasons: I am interested in attending a MD/PhD program and I wanted to see if I would enjoy working in the research realm, and I also enjoy learning more about … Read more

Kyle Sorensen


How/Why Research? I have always been interested in research because of a desire to push the boundaries of human knowledge and to contribute advances to scientific fields that help create a better and healthier society, such as epidemiology. I got … Read more

Maxfield Palmer


How/Why Research? I got involved in research because I found it incredibly interesting and I thoroughly enjoy working in a lab as well as in the field. I feel like through research I can more closely aid with research that … Read more

Anna Krome-Lukens


Anna Krome-Lukens is a Teaching Associate Professor in the Department of Public Policy in the College of Arts & Sciences, where she joined the faculty in 2014.  Originally from Virginia, Dr. K-L received her BA in History and Anthropology from … Read more

Anahita Gupta


How/Why Research? I was introduced to research in high school, and I immediately loved the idea of being able to study a specific topic in more detail and discover new information to add to the existing knowledge of that topic. … Read more

Colleen McCann


How/Why Research? I became involved with research in fall of 2020, after finding the open position on the OUR website’s opportunities database. After that, I emailed and interviewed with my current lab manager, and started working in the lab the … Read more

Allie Boyer


How/Why Research? Research has made my experiences learning in class more valuable and relevant. I have had the opportunity to become involved in the applications of material and explore where my interests are. I was first involved in research with AP … Read more

Aakanksha Gundu


How/Why Research? Coming into Carolina, I knew I wanted to be involved in laboratory research regarding DNA and contribute to something I am passionate about. I attended several research seminars and took IDST 184, both of which introduced me to … Read more

Tarun Prakash


How/Why Research? I became interested in research because I viewed it as a way to exercise what I learnt in class in an impactful, meaningful way. Additionally, I saw research as a creative outlet where I could take charge of my … Read more